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30 for 30!

Throughout the summer of 2020 we are running a 30 for 30 initiative to celebrate 30 years of New Hope! We invite individuals, families and community groups to undertake a fundraising challenge using the number 30 as a spring board for ideas!

How many kilometres can you run in 30 minutes? How about after running 3 times a week for 30 days?

Could you give up caffeine for 30 days?

Can you bake 30 cupcakes for 30 neighbours in 30 minutes? Washing up included!

Share you challenge with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @Newhopehq and set up a Virgin Money Giving page - and share with your family, friends and colleagues.

All participants will receive a 30 for 30 fundraising certificate of completion!

Good luck and have fun!

Later Event: 1 September