Alternative Gifts

We've launched a range of alternative gifts in our online store. If you're struggling to think of what to buy your friends or family, why not buy them a New Hope Alternative Gift? We have three gifts available for purchase:

  • At £4.98 you can buy The Essentials gift which will provide a hot meal, cup of tea, a shower, a toothbrush, and clean clothes for one person - often the things we take for granted.

  • Or you could give your loved one the A Space to Grow gift at £15.33 which provides one creative session for one person. At our Community Market Garden we offer activities that include gardening, woodwork, poetry, knitting, art, creative writing, brick-laying and mental health workshops. Service users learn new skills, grow in confidence and engage with the wider community.

  • Finally, we have the A Bed for the Night gift at £23.29 which provides a bed for the night for one person for one night. No one should have to sleep on the streets of Watford. New Hope’s Transition Service provides emergency accommodation for those at risk of street homelessness. It’s more than just A Bed for the Night though – staff offer intensive support to help people get back on their feet again.

Nafisa Mantel